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The benefits of remote employment for employers

The benefits of remote employment for employers

Remote Employment has been covered considerably over the last few years, however it has become crucial for businesses to understand how they can benefit from this new type of work arrangement. Current research suggests that the remote work environment can potentially lead to a significant boost in productivity and lowered costs for employers.

The increase in remote working has raised a lot of discussion on the positive benefits for employees, but remote work has many benefits for employers too and with effective planning and management, they can benefit greatly from having remote teams in place. We are going to explore the benefits of how companies can benefit by hiring remote workers.

Improvements in overall productivity

Workers are reporting that they are able to be more productive than when they were in a traditional office environment due to fewer distractions from colleagues and a better work/life balance resulting in an overall boost of morale. Researchers ran a comparison study and divided 500 workers into two groups and found that those working remotely had a productivity boost equivalent of one entire extra work day! There are certain limitations to this, not all employees are going to become ultra productive but with some planning from management’s side, the employer can assist the worker to become highly productive at home by implementing tools to aid in the structure of the work day.

Equipment and start-up costs are reduced

Originally start-up costs were considered to be a fairly high investment needed to get the day to day running of your business off the ground. Remote working has eliminated or reduced these costs significantly, resulting in a much lower start-up cost for new businesses. Some of the high costs that are eliminated with remote work have been monthly rental fees for equipment as well as premises. Most companies require their remote employees to use their own equipment such as a mobile phone and computer, printer etc, resulting in a much lower day to day running cost for the employer

A greener footprint

The world has shifted to a greener state of mind. Customers want to support companies that are more environmentally conscious and focused on being sustainable whilst moving away from supporting businesses that are not. Businesses can use this to their advantage by implementing an eco strategy and emphasizing the environmental benefits of using remote employment to cut carbon emissions and in turn welcome the added profits by attracting more eco conscious consumers.

These are just a few of the benefits employers can experience when crossing over or implementing a remote work strategy into their business. We will be exploring ways how employers can help to optimise productivity and some additional benefits in the next blog post.